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Surface Insect Control
TurfcorSM Certified Pest Control

Surface Feeding Insect Control in PA

Surface feeding insect control can be vital to maintaining and protecting your lawn. Surface feeding insects can be very hard to predict. These types of insects can multiply rapidly despite their short life span.

Surface feeding insects feed above ground on blades of grass. This is in contrast to other lawn pests, like grubs, that are sub surface feeders.

Nature usually provides a balance between insects, natural predators and food supply. But if anything – like, say, a shift in the weather pattern – happens to alter that balance, insect populations increase and can start to cause significant damage. Insect damage is especially bad in small, dry or weed-infested lawns.

Turfcor Certified Pest Control Professionals

Call Now! (570) 609-1700

Get in touch with the Turfcor Certified experts in Surface Insect Control today to get started on your path to a healthier, greener lawn.

Important Factors of Surface Insect Control

Surface feeding Insect control programs can begin after early signs of damage have been detected or when large numbers of insects are found on the lawn. Because certain insects can only be regulated at certain periods in their life cycle, it’s important to know:

  • The insect that caused the damage.
  • The life cycle of that insect.
  • The level of infestation.
The Proper Treatment At The Right Time

If left untreated, turf damaging types of insects can cause significant damage to your lawn. A successful Insect Control Program will start with the discovery of the type of insect problem that’s causing damage so it can be properly treated.

Turfcor’s technicians are trained to identify the types of insect responsible for the damage, the particular life cycle of that insect and the exact degree of infestation.

Benefits of Turfcor’s Surface Feeding Insect Control Services

Turfcor will treat your lawn to prevent harm from surface-feeding lawn-damaging insects. Drought conditions can obscure the signs of damage caused by these insects, making them difficult to detect. Insects such as Sod Webworms, Billbugs, Armyworms, and Chinch Bugs will do a lot of harm before you realize it.

Turfcor’s Surface Feeding Insect Control Programs Provide

  • A greener lawn! Damage can be reduced and your lawn covered from more insect issues if the insects are identified and the treatment is applied early enough.
  • Critical Insect control for managing and protecting a healthy lawn. Surface-feeding insects are difficult to predict and locate, and the harm they cause can be mistaken for other lawn issues. There are many different types of surface-feeding insects that can damage your lawn.
  • The peace of mind knowing Turfcor’s experts will properly identify & treat your lawn’s specific insect problem at the right time with the right products!

Contact Us For A Free Quote Today

Contact a Turfcor Expert today to schedule an appointment and we can assess what programs would be best for your needs.

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