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Preparing Your Lawn for Spring: A Step-by-Step Guide

Wondering how to prepare your lawn for spring? This step-by-step guide from Turfcor will show you everything you need to know!
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Spring has finally arrived, and with it brings warmer days, blooming flowers – and the opportunity to take care of a lawn that has been dulled by cooler winter weather. Whether you’re a novice gardener or an experienced one that’s looking for some tips on how to properly prep your lawn for the upcoming season, we’ve got you covered.

Our step-by-step guide will walk you through every aspect of preparing your lawn for spring success – from cleaning up debris and ensuring healthy soil to fertilizing grasses and planting new sod. Read on for more information about creating the perfect green space in time for those sunny days!

Assessing Your Lawn’s Damage

As spring approaches, it is the perfect time to assess the damage the winter weather will have inflicted on your lawn. Once you have identified any dead or dormant grass, weeds, and other debris that may be present because of storms or icy conditions, you can address these issues accordingly with spring lawn care and initial cleanup from the winter season. 

It is important to maintain a thoughtful routine of mowing, aerating, fertilizing, overseeding and watering in order to help your lawn recover from winter and maintain its lushness. By being proactive with assessing your lawn’s needs up front, spring can bring back full vibrancy and life to your lawn!

Raking and Dethatching in Spring

As part of spring lawn care, raking and dethatching should be done as soon as possible. Raking helps remove dead grass, leaves, and other debris that accumulate over winter and keeps the soil loose so water can get to the root systems.

Doing this in springtime helps reduce weeds at later stages as well. Dethatching is beneficial for breaking up compacted soil which provides better air circulation by reducing thatch build-up and allowing water, nutrients, and air to penetrate into the deeper layers of soil. 

Additionally, fertilizing and overseeding your lawn is a spring activity that will ensure lush growth. Be sure to properly use fertilizer following manufacturer’s directions in order to avoid any damage or burn caused by improper use. Thoroughly spread over-seed either before or after fertilizing to give new grass an even opportunity to compete against existing grasses. If you anticipate using pre-emergents in early Spring then wait until Fall to over-seed as the pre-emergents will not allow new grass seed to grow. 

Don’t forget helpful tips such as mowing high with a sharp blade and leaving clippings on the lawn as much as possible since they are rich in nitrogen – all proven methods for optimal growth and health in springtime lawn care.

Get The Lawn You deserve

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Your time is valuable. Let us help you create a beautiful landscape. Turfcor Lawn and Tree Care specializes in creating and maintaining healthy landscapes. We understand that your time is precious and you want to spend it doing the things you love with the people who matter most to you. Our comprehensive Lawn and Tree Care packages will promote a lush, healthy, and beautiful landscape while preventing damage caused by pests and insects. Call us today or visit our website to learn more about our services and how we can help you create the outdoor oasis of your dreams.

Springtime Mowing and Edging 

There is no better way to get your lawn spring-ready than by performing the necessary mowing and edging techniques. With spring lawn care comes heightened expectations – a clean, manicured look that you can be proud of! To achieve this look, it’s important to use proper mowing techniques on your lawn. Your lawn needs to be mown evenly and at a consistent height, and when it comes to edging your lawn borders, don’t forget the little details. 

Mowing high with a sharp blade and leaving clippings on the lawn are all proven methods for optimal growth and health in springtime lawn care. Use specialized tools and take notice of edges around flower beds or steps for a polished outcome. 

Springtime Watering and Irrigation

Spring is the perfect time to spring into action and give your lawn the right kind of care it needs to stay vibrant and healthy. To achieve optimal growth and health, many areas require regular watering or irrigation in springtime. 

It can be tricky to make sure you are providing your lawn with the correct amount of water, so there are a few key things to consider when it comes to spring lawn care. Make sure you research what watering frequency is recommended for your area and keep an eye on weather forecasts for signs of drought. It is recommended to water in the mornings as evening waterings can lead to turf diseases.

It’s also important to avoid over-watering as this can put the grass at risk from disease or drown its roots. Ultimately, maintaining a steady balance is usually the best approach for springtime watering and irrigation in order to ensure lush, green pastures throughout the year!

Local Lawn and Tree Care Near You

Spring is the perfect time to prepare your lawn for the warmer months ahead. By following these simple tips, you can ensure that your outdoor space is ready for whatever the weather brings. Contact Turfcor Lawn and Tree Care today to get started on improving your lawn this spring! We will assess your lawn’s condition and help you set up a treatment plan suited to your lawn’s needs to have that outdoor landscape you can enjoy all summer long!  

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